Dave Wissell- Professional Engineer, Professional Corporation
" The Contractor's Engineer "
Company Profile
While I gain personal satisfaction by solving construction-engineering problems, my goal is to provide you with the most efficient design possible while still being practical and constructible.

Take advantage of having a former bridge contractor on your team and you’ll gain:


I may already have the information I need to perform your design. That saves you time. Plus, if you prefer, I'll send you a quote which saves you time estimating engineering costs!


Details can be modified to suit your system. You already know which materials and methods you prefer. Use my ability to adapt to your system and enhance your efficiency. Plus, I’ll get the job done when you want it!


My hands-on experience enables me to know how to save a 2 x 4 or hanger where possible. That alone saves you material and labor!

Expect great service and join other contractors that are using my services with great success! Let me know how I can help your team be successful!


Girder Erection, Railroad Bridge
Overhang Falsework, I-77
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Copyright © 2016 Dave Wissell, PE, PC. All rights reserved.